From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Implementing techniques to build rapport

Implementing techniques to build rapport

From the course: Customer Service Foundations

Implementing techniques to build rapport

- Building rapport with customers sometimes comes naturally, but other times, it takes some effort. I'd like to share some proven techniques you can use to build rapport. Chances are you're already familiar with some of them. Let's do an activity. To make it easier, please download the rapport techniques exercise file and pull up the worksheet. It will help you identify techniques you already use and some additional ones you can try with your customers. Okay, are you ready? In this scenario, you'll see an employee helping a customer. See how many different techniques you can spot. - Oh, hey, Oscar. What brings you in today? - Hey, Jennifer. I'm just tryin' to find a gift for my nephew. - Well, I'd love to help. What kind of things does he like? - Which rapport-building techniques did you observe? Here are just a few the employee used. The employee made the first move to initiate contact and offered a warm greeting…
