From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Identifying emotional needs

Identifying emotional needs

- Think about a time when a customer service employee helped you solve a problem that you were really worried about. Perhaps your phone stopped working. You were overcharged for something, or a delivery didn't show up on time. You might have felt anxiety or frustration when the problem happened, but how did you feel when the problem was finally solved? There's a good chance you felt positive emotions such as relief, happiness, or even gratitude. This video focuses on helping people you serve overcome those negative emotions and feel better. Customers have two types of basic needs, rational and emotional. A rational need is the specific assistance a customer requests. For instance, a customer contacting support to get help with their phone. An emotional need is how the customer wants to feel about their experience. A customer whose phone isn't working might feel anxious about the problem. Their emotional need is to…
