From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Going the extra mile

Going the extra mile

- Providing outstanding customer service is often referred to as going the extra mile because it's service that's above and beyond what's expected. Going the extra mile is more than just giving a little extra effort. It's surprising your customer with unexpectedly good service. In this video, I'd like to share some techniques you can use to go the extra mile and delight your customers. Start by adopting an extra-mile mindset. This means being alert to customers who need extra help. The next step is to identify opportunities to serve customers beyond what's normally expected. Finally, be sure to take action once you see an extra mile opportunity. Let's watch a scene where a receptionist does not have the extra mile mindset and misses an opportunity to provide additional assistance. - Okay, all set. Do you know where you're going? - Yeah, I think so. - Okay, have a great day. - Many customer service employees…
