From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Expanding your influence

Expanding your influence

- One of the first personal development books I ever read was Stephen Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." It contains a number of lessons that can be used in customer service, in business, or even in life. One of the lessons that's always stuck with me is to focus on what you can control and stop worrying about what you can't control. There might be times when you are asked to solve a problem that's beyond your control. For example, a staffing shortage might cause longer wait times than normal making customers impatient as they wait for service. A supply chain issue might cause a popular product to be back ordered, making customers frustrated that they can't get what they wanted right away or a new law might require your company to change a policy that annoys customers who like the old way of doing things. I've adapted a technique from Covey's book to help you overcome these types of obstacles. I'll use…
