From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Enhancing your likability

Enhancing your likability

- Customers are more comfortable doing business with people they like. So how do you get customers to like you? I'd like to show you some techniques that work when you're serving customers in person, over the phone, or even in writing. When serving a customer in person, it's important to send a consistently positive message with your words, tone of voice, and body language. Let's look at a few good and bad examples. See if you can notice how the employee's tone and body language makes them more or less likable. - Good morning. How are you today? Good morning. How are you today? Is there something I could help you with? Is there something I could help you with? Thanks. Have a great day. Thanks. Have a great day. - The employee was much more likable when she used a positive tone and body language to match the intent of her words. Likability gets a little bit more difficult over the phone because customers can't see your…
