From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Empathizing with customers

Empathizing with customers

- Empathy allows you to understand how a customer is feeling and use that insight to find ways to make them feel better. In this video, I'm going to share a technique you can use to empathize with customers even if you've never experienced exactly what they're going through. Let's start by looking at a scene where empathy is important. - I can't believe there are so many forms required. - Yep, there's a lot. Please take a seat and we'll call your name shortly. - That employee gave his customer a pretty cold reception. He may have just been doing his job but he didn't make the customer feel good. Here's what the same scene might look like with a little empathy. - I can't believe there are so many forms required. - I know, it seems like there's a new law every week that requires something new to be signed. Let's see. Oh, you did a good job with these. Thank you for being so thorough. - Thanks, I've had a lot of practice.…
