From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Defusing angry customers

Defusing angry customers

- In his book, "Working With Emotional Intelligence" Daniel Goleman described a phenomenon called emotional hijacking. This occurs when emotions become so strong that they hijack the rational part of the brain. People suddenly lose the ability to be reasonable until these strong emotions can be soothed. This video will share some techniques to help you navigate these difficult situations. Let's start by looking at a scene where a customer experiences an emotional hijacking. - This is ridiculous. I've been waiting for half an hour. Why am I still here? - Okay, miss, calm down. It's only been 10 minutes. - Don't tell me to calm down. What kind of attitude is that? Let me speak to your supervisor. - Customers can get really angry over what may seem like a small issue and I've seen employees make it worse by saying things like calm down or arguing with the customer. A common phrase in our industry is the customer is…
