From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Avoiding burnout by staying focused

Avoiding burnout by staying focused

From the course: Customer Service Foundations

Avoiding burnout by staying focused

- Burnout is a huge challenge in customer service. A study conducted by my company found 74% of contact center agents are at risk of burnout. According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, burnout is physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes towards oneself and others. Burnout can be caused by a feeling that your work doesn't matter or that what you do is not appreciated. Customer service can often mean solving problems that someone else caused, and when a customer gets angry, you get to hear about it. Bosses often say, "Don't let it get to you," but that's easier said than done. I remember once feeling frustrated and burned out at work when something amazing happened. A customer pulled me aside and gave me a thank you card. The card explained how the customer appreciated my work and how I made a difference. I can't tell you how great that made…
