From the course: Customer Service Foundations

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Anchoring your own attitude

Anchoring your own attitude

- Customer service professionals are expected to maintain a positive attitude. That's easy to do if you feel great but it's a lot more difficult if you find yourself in a bad mood. It's during these moments that you can use a technique called the attitude anchor to start feeling positive once again. This video will help you identify your own attitude anchors and when you can use them. Start by making a list of things that can negatively impact your attitude. Here are a few examples that might be on your list. Negative customers, difficult coworkers, frustrating problems, feeling tired or ill, and demanding bosses. Think about other examples that you might add to your list. What gets you down or makes you frustrated at work? It's possible to catch someone else's bad mood and not even know it. It can show up in your body language and tone of voice and signals others that you're not feeling well before…
