From the course: Customer Retention

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Develop your customer retention strategy

Develop your customer retention strategy

From the course: Customer Retention

Develop your customer retention strategy

- Let's talk about developing a simple retention strategy that works for your business. A retention strategy is a plan or a process designed to help you retain customers after the first sale. It couldn't get much easier than that. Shockingly, most companies don't think beyond the initial sale, but what I can tell you is the best, most successful clients I've worked with have carefully developed and continue to refine their customer retention strategy. Let me share with you three steps that will help you build and develop an effective retention strategy. First, develop a customer retention mindset. A customer is never likely to just come back to you on their own. Getting a customer back is about what you do throughout the entire customer experience before, during, and after the sale. Never just assume a customer will come back. You must treat retention as a profit center that needs systems and processes just like sales…
