From the course: Customer Retention

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Call three high-value clients

Call three high-value clients

From the course: Customer Retention

Call three high-value clients

- In this video, I'm going to walk you through the first of the three example pick three activities. Remember, these are customer retention related activities. They're not always designed to sell and they're not always to pitch another product or service. Instead, they're just very simple and valuable touchpoints which will help you build and foster better relationships with your customers. Now, this task is pretty simple. Here's what I want you to do. Pick three of your best clients based on total revenue and call them. Review the client to understand the last time they purchased and what they purchased, review the last time someone else spoke to them. Spend another 30 seconds conducting a quick Google search to see if there's anything about them in the news. Remember, this call is all about putting the customer's interests ahead of yours. If you call them to pitch your latest offering then you're doing it wrong. Here's…
