From the course: Customer Retention

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Bring back lost customers

Bring back lost customers

From the course: Customer Retention

Bring back lost customers

- Let's suppose you've lost a customer. How do you bring that customer back? In the business world, we use something called a customer reactivation campaign. A customer reactivation campaign is exactly like it sounds; you're reactivating a customer who was once a customer but is no longer a customer. Making the reactivation of lost customers as part of your ongoing retention efforts might be the single fastest way to generate short-term profits in any business. Your existing customers are, of course, your best and most valuable customers. Your next best customers are the ones who were already customers, but are no longer customers; they're also known as your preexisting customers. So there are just three simple steps to running a reactivation campaign. The first step is to identify all of your lost customers. Review your customer files and see who isn't buying from you anymore or who didn't purchase the last time they were…
