From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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When conflict informs

When conflict informs

- The other thing that gets in the way of being valued is our apprehension about conflict. I know in studying the curse of the good girl, society's expectations about how women should behave or shouldn't behave and how it holds us back from expressing our emotions, our feelings or even just saying, and speaking to, what we really want in a situation. This can also come up with our level of comfort or discomfort with conflict. And conflict isn't always about I win, she loses, it's not always this like aggressive negative situation, it's really how people work out different opinions, different perspectives, different personalities in a world where we are working with people from different cultures, different styles from around the world. We don't want everybody to all behave the same way. We want to figure out how to come to some common ground. And so we can't be intimidated to have those types of conversations. And so when…
