From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Turn inward to present outward

Turn inward to present outward

- My hope is that this chapter gives you the permission to turn inward and admit the things to yourself that are really scaring you, frustrating you, making you anxious, stressed or worried. This is a worksheet that no one else has to see. It's for your eyes only, for you to really get on paper, here are some of the things that are really weighing heavily on me. And next to it, think about how it's impacting your schedule, your productivity, your focus, all these things that result in burnout if we don't start to look for solutions for us to manage our energy or manage all of those emotions. So the goal really isn't to stifle all those emotions. And a really evolved workplace is one where once you put that down and start to realize, okay, here's the thing that I'm really challenged with and here is... Whether you have a solution or not, and you can think about somebody that you trust right now that you can speak to and…
