From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Stop apologizing

Stop apologizing

- One thing that trips up women more often than men is diminishing behaviors or weak language or over apologizing. I set out to understand, do women really apologize more than men? You may have seen it, you may be guilty of yourself. Of, "I'm sorry, oh, I'm sorry." And somebody else ran into you, but you're the first to apologize. "I'm sorry I'm late to the meeting." And then we ramble on all the things that happened. Christina Schulman is an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh and a study that she ran in looking at, do women apologize more than men, what she found was that actually men are just as willing as women to apologize when they've done something wrong. Here's the kicker of the study. Men just didn't believe they had as many offenses. They didn't believe they had done as many things wrong, that those same situations women would deem them worthy of an apology. So the bottom line here is stop…
