From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Self-confidence as the foundation

Self-confidence as the foundation

- So when you think about why is confidence the foundation for you being seen, heard, and valued in the workplace? More oftentimes, women will tell me in research and cite that imposter syndrome is getting in their way. Imposter syndrome is that feeling of self-doubt, that feeling of not being worthy for even a position you have right now or going after an opportunity or sharing your opinion during a meeting, despite the fact that you might have a track record of success and results, and imposter syndrome tends to affect people that are breaking barriers like women, minority employees, first-generation college students. So this idea that if you don't have someone that looks like you, that you can connect with in those positions of power or in the dreams that you so actively are pursuing, you feel like can I really do it? Am I, do I really have the power, the right to be here? With imposter syndrome, one of the…
