From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Perfect isn’t perfect

Perfect isn’t perfect

- What's getting in the way of being seen in the workplace? There's a couple barriers that are internally driven and there's plenty of others that are externally driven. When we talk about internally driven, women, more often than men, identify as perfectionists. Striving for 100%, being the best in everything, our personal life and our professional lives. And oftentimes, unfortunately, women mistake perfectionism for work ethic. We're working so hard, we're putting all these hours in. But unfortunately, we've got these sky-high expectations for ourselves at work and in the home that are basically a no-win situation. One of the aspects of perfectionism that's a really crippling trap is overthinking, over analyzing and ruminating over a decision. Have you ever been caught in one of those moments where you keep rehashing a situation, a conversation over and over again, whether it's in the middle of the night or right…
