From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Owning your strengths

Owning your strengths

- I know from experience that women struggle to put together even a list of 10 things, and that this is really worth the time, the reflection, the quiet time to think about it. If you need help with it, call someone you trust, call a peer or call a friend, even a family member and say, what are some of my most standout qualities, attributes? What are things about me that you remember from working with me on this team project? I'm trying to really own my own contributions and I'd love to know how you see me in the workplace. Asking for feedback is a great way for you to also start to get the temperature on how you are seen, how you are viewed, what your brand is. So once you start to build this list and you are referring to it and you start to see the gaps and where you're able to utilize your strengths or not, another piece of this puzzle to think about is what are you intimidated by? When you have that self-doubt, when…
