From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Overcoming the gender gap

Overcoming the gender gap

- We talked about being seen, heard, and now I'm want to talk about valued and how that can help you cultivate presence and have the impact that you desire. An interesting study by the Harvard Business Review found that men rate their performance 33% higher than women in equally performance settings in multiple different industries and environments. So this brings us to the fact that there is a gender gap in how men promote themselves and women. And the problem is the disconnect between all the talent and contributions and strengths that women bring to the table. And those being recognized, seen, heard and valued, even by her herself. The bright spot here is that in another study, 83% of women said that they are inspired, empowered when they hear other women speak about their achievements, their successes. So when you talk about your success, when you communicate your value, she communicates hers too. So being valued.…
