From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Overcoming imposter syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome

- So women are more likely to feel like they have to justify or defend their abilities. We found in research that when people are looking to be hired or promoted, when you are looking at women as candidates, we look at their proven track record. Prove to me that you have the performance, the results, the experience to make you ready for this next opportunity. When men are evaluated in those same situations to be hired, to be promoted, we look at their potential. We assume they have the proven performance to have a seat at the table. So again, men are judged by their potential, women by their proven performance. And so what happens there, and while we have to be aware of how we judge women and men differently, we have to be aware of how that has had consequences on our self-esteem, our self-confidence, and holds us back from talking about our success and our accomplishments in a way that doesn't feel like we're just doing it to…
