From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Office politics

Office politics

- Similar to being seen and heard, there are several things that can get in our way of being valued. The two that I want to talk about are politics in the workplace, whether in person or virtual, and conflict. So when it comes to politics, I find that women oftentimes describe it as icky and it makes them not want to continue to advance. They like the culture and the team that they're a part of right now, but they look up and they think, oh, I don't want to have to change myself. I don't want to behave differently to be able to advance in my career. And the thing about politics is that it's not going to go away. In complex dynamic organizations, there's always going to be managers vying for different resources, and that's ultimately what makes this political atmosphere where some people have more influence over others and some people are able to command more influence and impact. And so I don't believe you have to lower…
