From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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Mind mapping

Mind mapping

- I use an exercise called mind mapping as a speaker and you can use it as you prepare for a meeting. I take Post-It notes and I think about all the things that I know or the contents that I think will be covered in relation to a subject. I do it with my speeches. I think about the stories that I want to share. When it comes to being heard, narratives are powerful. Engaging people with a story is much more memorable and in the first person sense. So as you use this mind map to think about all those things that you have knowledge about, or the stories that connect with it, or the experience, or the decisions might be made about that topic, you can start to categorize them, start to put them in groups. And then that's where you trim the fat. If I was to say one sentence about each of these categories that I've grouped on the wall, this mind map, what would be the biggest takeaway? And that's what I do in my speeches and my…
