From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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- So with the goal of building our confidence, overcoming imposter syndrome and that self-doubt, I'm oftentimes asked, "Well, can we just get rid of imposter syndrome, "make that self-doubt go away?" And the truth is, and what I believe, is that no. It's always going to be there. Our goal is to cycle through it faster. When you have these tools and strategies, like owning your success and some of the others I'm going to teach you, you allow yourself to get through that moment of self-doubt to a place of strength so that it doesn't hold you back from going after those big dreams, or speaking up, or sharing your opinion. That's our goal is to be again, seen, valued, and heard. I know that having interviewed big stars, like Reese Witherspoon, you can still suffer from imposter syndrome no matter what it looks like to the outside world. So with our goal of being seen, heard, and valued, overcoming imposter syndrome and…
