From the course: Cultivating Presence and Impact in a Live and Virtual World

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- As we explore building our confidence and these ways to have more impact and presence in the workplace, we're talking about it in the in-person workplace and the virtual, and some of the rules still apply and some are completely different. What I do know is that the majority of employees globally want to continue in a hybrid-type environment where they are both in person, live with their colleagues, and also virtual remote wherever they choose, so that's why I explore both of those scenarios, in-person and in-virtual, throughout the course. And I think it's really important for you to think about what you want, whether you identify as an introvert or an extrovert, think about those ways and areas and experiences that you have that bring up insecurities and those where you feel more confident. Maybe being behind a screen and having the ability to use your hands or write notes has really been empowering for you, and…
