From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Writing code with a text editor

Writing code with a text editor - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Writing code with a text editor

- [Instructor] Text editors are an essential tool for writing and editing code. Notepad or TextEdit are basic editors that are usually pre-installed on your computer. While they can be used to write code, they lack advanced features. The results of the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey shows that there are many free and paid options to consider, with Visual Studio Code currently being the most popular editor. For this course, I'll be using VS Code as well. Take a moment to download it now to follow along with the exercises. If you already have an editor that you prefer, that works too. Just keep in mind that the user interface and features may be different. Also, this is how VS Code looks at the time of this recording. The layout and features of this editor may also change over time, as do many other tools and software. If you're opening VS code for the first time, you may see some kind of setup page which will…
