From the course: CSS Essential Training

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The color property and values

The color property and values - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

The color property and values

- [Instructor] Let's talk about the color property which is used to change an element's text color and decoration which are styles applied to the text like an underline or strikethrough. The color property is used with different color values. There's one type we've seen already, keywords. These are predefined values that represent specific colors including basic themes like red, blue, green and black but there are other keywords that may not immediately come to mind. Such as mediumseagreen or oldlace. So how do we know which keywords are valid? Well we can check the documentation. Here's the full list of the MDN web docs. There are also other reference guides, here's one of my favorites. Colours, with a U, It's the same keyword list as the MDN docs but I like that I can view the options by color groups. Plus it lists other types of color values, the RGB, HEX value and functional values that correspond…
