From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Testing responsive layouts

Testing responsive layouts - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Testing responsive layouts

- [Instructor] When testing responsive styles it's best to test on actual devices. While most developers will have access to at least one computer, and one phone or tablet having access to more than that isn't always possible, especially given the wide range of phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers currently available. Another option is to use third-party services like Browser Stack, which provides tools for testing across various browsers and devices. A couple other options are Lambda Test and Sauce Labs. The pricing and features vary, but most will also offer a free tier. But we also have a great free option, your browser dev tools Let's open it up in our project page. For responsive testing, I find that docking the tools on the right side makes it easier to test for smaller sizes. To change the setting, select the icon on the right, the three dots, and choose Dock to Right. I'm still using Firefox, but you should see…
