From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Typography styles

Project: Typography styles - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Typography styles

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project update, we'll add the rest of the text styles. Depending on what font you chose and your design goal, you may find that the text styles and values that you need will be different from mine. These are the changes we'll be adding to the project update. We're going to set the font size for the body text as well as the headings. We'll also adjust the margins in the headings to remove some of this extra space. Let's go to our CSS file. For the font sizing, I'll be using the 62.5 method. So the first step is to declare the font size in the HTML element. We already have the declaration block from adding the border-box fix. So I'll just add it here. (keyboard clicks) We'll set the font size to 62.5%. And this isn't required, but I'm just going to add a little note here, just to explain what this line is doing. Setting the default to 10 pixels. Now for the base body font,…
