From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Styling links

Project: Styling links - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Styling links

(light upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project update, we'll be updating various link styles starting with the default blue text link. This can be added under the global section. Since these styles are general styles, that will apply to all the links on the page. I'll also add a small comment just to mark this section as link styles. Let's use the A selector to change the link color. Add the curly brackets, and then we'll use the color property and a value. I'll use the green hex code from my palette. Next, let's add a dynamic effect to our links using the hover pseudo class. This changes the style when the user hovers over the link with their mouse. We'll need to add another declaration block for this style. Remember, pseudo classes are keywords added to a selector and since we want this to be a hover effect on the link, we'll start with a, then add a colon, followed by hover with no spaces. We'll add the curly…
