From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Overview and setup

Project: Overview and setup - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Overview and setup

- [Instructor] In this course, we'll learn CSS by building out a two page personal website step-by-step. Here's an example of what the finished project will look like. It will include an About Me homepage and a Resume page. While you can build out the design as you go along, it's easier to have an idea of what the finished website will look like to use as a guide. In web design and development, this is called a mockup. They can be simple sketches or more detailed designs. For this course, I'll be referring back to this final version to use as our guide as we build out the project. It can also be found in the exercise files in a folder named Final. Let's start by setting up the project files. First, we'll create the root folder. I'll add mine to my desktop. Right click new folder and name it something descriptive. I'll call mine personal site. Then let's open this folder and create a CSS folder and an images folder.…
