From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Media queries: Part 2

Project: Media queries: Part 2 - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Media queries: Part 2

- [Instructor] For the work experience section, we were already using grid. So let's see how the styles hold up in viewports smaller than 860 pixels. It looks like it doesn't hold up for too long and starts to look squished at just under 800 pixels. In the dev tools, we can uncheck a CSS declaration to see how the work items will look without the grid style. This is great for testing. So we'll uncheck the display grid to temporarily remove the styles. Starting at 860, it's a little wider than I would like, but around 750 it looks fine to me. So just like the project thumbnails, I'm okay with having a small range where things aren't totally perfect but also not broken. So this layout looks fine until we get down to the smallest viewport, which according to stat counter is 360 pixels. There's one thing I'd like to change for this one column layout. We had removed the padding from the top of the first paragraph of the…
