From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Media queries: Part 1

Project: Media queries: Part 1 - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Media queries: Part 1

- [Instructor] In an earlier lesson, we talked about the different ways to add media queries. Since we'll mostly be adding changes to specific page components, I'll add the media queries underneath the related CSS, so we can group the styles together. Let's start with adjusting the float layout used with the project thumbnails. And I just noticed that I've been adding the project styles under profile, so I'll move the styles to the project section. Also, it doesn't look like I'll be adding profile-specific styles anyways, so I'll delete that as well. And this is an example of even when I try to stay organized, sometimes things still need to be double checked. Let's get back to the project. Under the last project item style, let's add the @media rule. Next is the media type, which is screen. This value is optional, so if you don't add it, it will default to all. This will also work for responsive changes. Then we'll…
