From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Google Fonts

Project: Google Fonts - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Google Fonts

(light music) - [Christina] In this project update, we'll add the Google Fonts we selected in the previous lesson to our website. In the Selections panel, we'll see a list of fonts that we chose and the instructions for embedding the fonts. Let's use this link snippet to load the Google font style sheet and fonts into our projects. You can select this icon to copy the snippet. If we scroll down, you'll also see the CSS rules to specify the font family names that you chose. We'll need to refer back to this when we start adding the styles into our projects. You'll also see the names of the fonts near the end of the URL. So if you chose a font different from mine, the URL will show your font names. Now, let's go back to the editor and add this link snippet to both the index and the resume files. This should be added to the head section, but let's put it right before the styles.css file so it can be loaded before our…
