From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Float images and text

Project: Float images and text - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Float images and text

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project update, we'll make our first layout change and we'll be using the float property for its intended purpose, which is to float text around images. This will apply to the thumbnails in the projects section. We'll also add more visual separation between the sections by adding space and a border under the H2 titles. Let's start in the editor in the Resume HTML file. For each project section, let's add a class. I'll name it "project item." We'll need to add this to each one so instead of typing it again, I'll just copy and paste it and add it to the other project sections. Save the file and switch over to the CSS file. Now under the project sections, we'll add a selector for the image tags, but within the project items sections. So let's use another descendant selector, project item, Space, img. The image is currently displayed at the default size of the image file, but I…
