From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Adding images and icons

Project: Adding images and icons - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Adding images and icons

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] In this project update, let's take what we've learned about working with images and file paths and add the thumbnail images to the resume page and the icons to the footer. Back in the editor, let's start with updating the images in the project section in the resume.html file. To see your image files from within the text editor, click the arrow in the sidebar to expand the folder. I've added my own project thumbnails, which include two sets of image files with sizes optimized for standard screens set to 500 pixels, and for retina screens set to a thousand pixels. Using whichever image file you'd like for your first project block, update the source value with the standard image file. The starting point for this file is resume.html, so from here the browser will need to navigate to the images folder first. When adding file paths VS Code will show matches to the folders and files in your project.…
