From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Adding content wrappers

Project: Adding content wrappers - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Adding content wrappers

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Let's start this exercise by looking at the finished project to figure out where to put the content wrapper divs. On the homepage, the content is centered, but we want the footer to span all the way across. So we don't need to include the footer in the content wrapper. The same is true on the resume page in regards to the footer. Also, the header image spans all the way across as well, but the content, which is the name and title, doesn't span all the way across. So for the resume page, we'll need to create a content wrap just for the header content that is separate from the rest of the resume content. Back in the editor, let's look at the markup in the index.html file. If we scroll up to the top of the page, we can see that we've already added a content wrapper container in a previous exercise, but we use this with the descendant selector home to apply the background color to the text…
