From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Project: Adding a header image

Project: Adding a header image - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Project: Adding a header image

- [Instructor] Let's start this project update by taking a look at the header markup for the resume page. We added the content wrapper only around the heading tags to center align the content. This leaves the width of the header element unchanged so we can use it to add the background image. In the CSS file, under the Resume Page section, let's add a new declaration block. We'll use .resume space header as the selector so it's only applied to the header on the resume page. Then we'll add the background property with the URL function value and the file path to the image. I'm using the same image as the homepage, so I'm just going to copy the file path from there. Let's see how this looks in the browser. Save your file, and refresh. So the image has been added, but it isn't quite the look I was going for. The image is displayed behind the text, and not only that, we can't even see much of the image. Looking at the…
