From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Optimizing images for the web

Optimizing images for the web - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Optimizing images for the web

- In the early days of the internet, waiting for an image to load was just the way it was, but these days, users want it to feel instant. To improve website speed, resizing image files will make them smaller in size. Most photos have dimensions of 4,000 by 3000 pixels or larger, which is used for print, but for the web, it's way too big. For faster load times, files should be as small as possible, especially for mobile devices, which may have data usage or internet speed restrictions. But what size should we use? Well, that depends on the amount of space it will take up on the page. In the course project, we'll be using a background image to cover the entire homepage and the header portion of the resume page. In the project section, the thumbnails will be set to 300 pixels wide for larger screens, and 500 pixels wide for smaller screens. But we can't just resize the image files to these dimensions because…
