From the course: CSS Essential Training

Intro to Grid and Flexbox - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Intro to Grid and Flexbox

- Flexbox and Grid are newer layout modules that allow for more advanced structures than previous layout techniques. While they use similar syntax and some of the same properties, each has its own specialties. Flexbox is often described as one dimensional 'cause it only aligns items on a single axis at a time, either rows or columns. Grid, on the other hand, can be used to arrange items into both rows and columns at the same time, making grid layouts two dimensional. But the differences don't mean that one is better than the other. Grid and Flexbox have introduced new and flexible solutions for many different use cases. Also, these are completely new layout modules. This means new terminology, properties and rules. I'll provide an overview of how to get started and cover the key concepts. We'll be able to start implementing these techniques right away, but this is not something that can be mastered in just a day or two. It will take some time and practice.
