From the course: CSS Essential Training

How to complete the exercises - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

How to complete the exercises

- [Instructor] As we're going through the course I'll be giving you exercises to work on in two formats. The first will be small code samples. I'll be using an online tool called CodePen, which is great for experimenting and seeing the output right away. All of the CodePen exercises will be included in my CSS Essential Training collection. You're not required to sign up for this service, but if you'd like to keep a personal copy of the exercise you'll need to create a free account. To save your own copy select this Fork button and it will create a personal copy in your account. The second format will be building out an actual project, a two-page personal website. Download the exercise files to get access to the starter files and other resources needed for the course project. Not all videos will have exercise files, but for the ones that do, they are marked by chapter and movie number. The folders marked personal-site indicate the end state of the course project for that video's exercise. You will be building out and personalizing your own site, but these project files can be used for reference. Lastly, we'll be linking to a lot of online resources and CodePen examples. So for your convenience we've also included a Links.pdf file. This contains all the links to resources I mentioned throughout the course as well as extra readings.
