From the course: CSS Essential Training

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font-weight and font-style

font-weight and font-style - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

font-weight and font-style

- [Instructor] Font families often include different fonts with varying amounts of thickness, which determines how thin or bold the characters appear. This is defined by the font weight property which uses numeric keyword values. 100 represents the lightest or thinnest font weight. The values go up in increments of 100 to a maximum of 900, which represents the darkest or thickest font. These numbers roughly correspond to commonly-used weight names like thin or extra light. These weight names are not CSS keyword values though but there are some non-numeric keyword values that can be used. Normal is equal to the numeric value of 400 and is also the default for body text. Bold is equal to 700 and is the default for headings. Not all font families will include all nine weights. If you use a value to specify a weight for which no font file exists, the typeface with the nearest weight is used. In this example, if you set your font…
