From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Debugging with developer tools

Debugging with developer tools - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Debugging with developer tools

- [Instructor] Some elements have default margin and padding styles, which can make it hard to tell where the space is coming from. To identify the source, we can use the built-in browser developer tools to inspect the element. Let's go over an example. If you'd like to follow along, open the box-model.html page in your browser. It can be found in the exercise files, in chapter three, video 03_06. I'll be using Firefox and Chrome for this demo, but the developer tools in other browsers will have similar functionality. I'll start with Firefox. To inspect an element and open the dev tools, hover over an element with your mouse or track pad. Let's go with Heading 1. Then, right-click or use a two finger tap to open the menu and select Inspect or Inspect Element. A panel will open showing the page's HTML and the corresponding CSS. My h1 is highlighted, since that's the element I inspected, but if you weren't able…
