From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Customizing your text editor

Customizing your text editor - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Customizing your text editor

- We've covered the basics of using a text editor, opening folders and files and making changes to the code. However, the purpose of using an advanced text editor is to access more features and customize the settings to your liking. If you don't know which settings you need, don't worry. I'll go over some of my preferences and some useful features in VS code. You can always change these settings as you develop your own workflow. Let's start with updating the font size settings. A quick way to make this change is to use Command on a Mac or Control on a PC and the plus or minus key. This will make everything bigger or smaller including the UI elements like the icons and texts in the sidebar. To change the font size of just the file display area, click the gear icon on the bottom left and select settings. Then under editor font size, change the text field. I'll change mine to 18. Now we can see the text size in the file has…
