From the course: CSS Essential Training

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CSS syntax and terminology

CSS syntax and terminology - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

CSS syntax and terminology

- Learning to code is similar to learning a spoken language. You start by learning the grammar rules. In coding, syntax is like the grammar rules of the coding language, and using proper syntax is how we give instructions to the computer. Let's take a look at the CSS we added to our last project exercise and review the syntax in terminology. This is a declaration block. It may contain one or more style rules enclosed in curly brackets. A selector specifies which HTML element or elements to apply the style to. CSS style rules are called declarations and use property value pairs to provide instructions to the browser on how to style a specific HTML element. The property specifies what is being styled like background. The value defines the specific characteristics such as the color pale turquoise. They are separated by a colon and end with a semicolon to indicate the end of the rule. There are many CSS properties and…
