From the course: CSS Essential Training

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Breakpoints and media queries

Breakpoints and media queries - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS Essential Training

Breakpoints and media queries

- [Instructor] Media queries are used to selectively apply CSS based on specific conditions. A breakpoint is the point where the media query is introduced to make these changes. In responsive web design, this is often a specific width of a screen or browser view port. In the early days of responsive design, it was common to use two to four breakpoints to target the width of specific device types, mobile, tablet, laptops, and desktops. But with the rise of the number of devices available, it's harder to pinpoint what is considered a common size. StatCounter is an analytics tool that provides various types of website user stats. Here are the screen resolution stats for the period of March 2022 to March 2023. The defaults show worldwide usage, but you can filter by region as well. Right now it's also showing all platforms, but you can filter by type to check specific device categories. I already have it open in my browser,…
