From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Using the exercise files - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] To make it easy for you to follow along, this course comes equipped with a full set of exercise files you can download directly from the course page and place anywhere on your computer. The exercise files provide the starting point for each movie with a code example and they are marked with the chapter number and movie number so Movie Seven in Chapter Three is folder 03_07. To follow along with the exercise files, simply open the folder of the current movie you're watching in your quote editor and spin up the index.html file in your browser. That is all, there's nothing fancy going on here, just core markup and languages. In some cases, I've added a folder with the suffix _END. That means the next movie starts with a new code example and I want to provide you with a final code for reference. In these cases, I usually also annotate my code, so you can know exactly what's going on. So take a look at these folders even if you've finished a code in the movie they relate to. Finally, there's a folder in the exercise files called Assets that holds a PDF document with a CSS Grid terminology reference and an accessibility mantra printout for you to stick on your wall. You can check them out now or take a look later when they are referenced. These files will help you both in the course and as you get started working with CSS Grid on your own.
