From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Use white space to perform magic

Use white space to perform magic - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Use white space to perform magic

- [Narrator] In the exercise files for this movie, you'll find a slightly modified version of the project we've been working with throughout this chapter. The only current difference is, I've moved the header back on top, and it's spanning all three columns. And when we reduce the width of the screen, it spans two columns, and this left-hand column here is left. What I want to show you now, goes outside of what we commonly use CSS grid for, and shows you how you can use CSS grid in really unusual ways to do surprising things that are very outside of what you think is possible. So I'm going to show you two things. The first one is blatantly obvious, the second one is absolutely not obvious at all, and I need to show it to you, so you know that this is actually possible. So, the first thing I want to do is simply move the sidebar content here, up into the sidebar on the left-hand side. And I want to do that for slightly narrower screens. So I'll go in here and open the responsive view…
