From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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The challenge

The challenge

- [Instructor] CSS Grid provides a clean solution to the ever-popular full-bleed single column layout. But the solution is not immediately obvious for reasons that will become clear right now. The full-bleed single column layout features sections and images that span the full width of the view port, thereof full-bleed, and the contents within each section are center-aligned with a max width. Doing this without CSS Grid requires a lot of extra container nesting and can be quite messy on the HTML site. With CSS Grid the HTML is nice and clean but we have to think a bit outside the box to get the layout to work. Here's the challenge: technically what we're looking for in this layout is a four-column grid where full-bleed content takes up all four columns and the centered content takes up the two middle columns. The problem is, we can't use a single global grid to do this because the grid items would be the individual sections and we would have no way of aligning the contents within those…
