From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Overview of text-based card markup

Overview of text-based card markup - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Overview of text-based card markup

- [Instructor] In this first example, we'll look at a text based card. But technically the contents of this card could be anything, text, images, video, whatever you choose to add into the card. The purpose of this example is to show you how component level grids make aligning contents inside cards easier. Right now these cards have no "O Grids" inside them and they're displayed the way they would be if you just applied standard styling. So this is our fall back. Now, you may wonder why you would want to display cards like this in a vertical stack on the full width of the screen. The reality is you wouldn't do this. You would add these cards into a larger layout that have maybe sidebars or something else. But here we're just focusing on the cards themselves, and how to create layouts with just the cards. So you can place those layouts anywhere else inside anything else later. The HTML structure of these cards is straight forward. We have a Main, with a class="main-area". This is where…
