From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

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Now that we have CSS Grid, do I still need to learn Flexbox?

Now that we have CSS Grid, do I still need to learn Flexbox? - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Now that we have CSS Grid, do I still need to learn Flexbox?

- In recent years, CSS has evolved to give us new layout modules that allow us to create these new dynamic responsive layouts that look quite different from what we could do in the past. Those new modules include Flex, or Flexbox, and Grid, and when you look at it, it almost looks like Flex was a stopgap measure between what we had before, which was just table and float, and what we have now, which is Grid. People often ask me, now that we have Grid, if they should bother learning Flex. The answer, of course, is yes, you should because float, Flex, and Grid are all part of the layout system we have in the browser and they can all be used to benefit the layout. So, let's take a look at what they are and what they can do, starting with float. So, float is taking an element that is inside an existing context, like for instance, an inline image or an image that's placed inside some other content, in this case, a paragraph, and then saying float that image or element in context to the left…
